
使用 Databend 分析 Nginx 访问日志


Databend 可以与 Vector 进行集成,使您轻松上手!

下面让我们一步一步地把 Nginx 访问日志记录到 Databend。

第1步: Databend

1.1 部署 Databend

请确保您已经成功安装了 Databend。安装指导:

1.2 创建数据库和表

使用 MySQL 客户端连接到 Databend 服务器:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P3307 
CREATE TABLE nginx.access_logs (
`timestamp` TIMESTAMP,
`remote_addr` VARCHAR,
`remote_port` INT,
`request_method` VARCHAR,
`request_uri` VARCHAR,
`server_protocol` VARCHAR,
`status` INT,
`bytes_sent` INT,
`http_referer` VARCHAR,
`http_user_agent` VARCHAR,
`upstream_addr` VARCHAR,
`scheme` VARCHAR,
`gzip_ratio` VARCHAR,
`request_length` INT,
`request_time` FLOAT,
`ssl_protocol` VARCHAR,
`upstream_response_time` VARCHAR

1.3 为 Vector 认证创建用户

使用 MySQL 客户端连接到 Databend 服务器:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P3307 




GRANT INSERT ON nginx.* TO user1;

第2步: Nginx

2.1 安装 Nginx

请参阅 如何安装 Nginx

2.2 配置 Nginx

user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;

events {
worker_connections 768;

http {
# Logging Settings
log_format upstream '$remote_addr "$time_local" $host "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $remote_port $upstream_addr $scheme $gzip_ratio $request_length $request_time $ssl_protocol "$upstream_response_time"';

access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log upstream;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;


::1 "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800" localhost "GET /?xx HTTP/1.1" 304 189 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" 50758 - http - 1202 0.000 - "-"

使用新的 nginx.conf 替换您的 Nginx 配置并重启 Nginx 服务器。

第3步: Vector

3.1 安装 Vector

您可以使用以下安装脚本安装 Vector

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.vector.dev | bash

3.2 配置矢量

type = "file"
include = ["/var/log/nginx/access.log"]
file_key = "file"
max_read_bytes = 10240

type = "remap"
inputs = ["nginx_access_log"]
drop_on_error = true

#nginx log_format upstream '$remote_addr "$time_local" $host "$request_method $request_uri $server_protocol" $status $bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $remote_port $upstream_addr $scheme $gzip_ratio $request_length $request_time $ssl_protocol "$upstream_response_time"';

source = """
parsed_log, err = parse_regex(.message, r'^(?P<remote_addr>\\S+) \
\"(?P<time_local>\\S+ \\S+)\" \
(?P<host>\\S+) \
\"(?P<request_method>\\S+) (?P<request_uri>.+) (?P<server_protocol>HTTP/\\S+)\" \
(?P<status>\\d+) \
(?P<bytes_sent>\\d+) \
\"(?P<http_referer>.*)\" \
\"(?P<http_user_agent>.*)\" \
(?P<remote_port>\\d+) \
(?P<upstream_addr>.+) \
(?P<scheme>\\S+) \
(?P<gzip_ratio>\\S+) \
(?P<request_length>\\d+) \
(?P<request_time>\\S+) \
(?P<ssl_protocol>\\S+) \
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.message), level: "warn")
. = merge(., parsed_log)
.timestamp = parse_timestamp!(.time_local, format: "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")
.timestamp = format_timestamp!(.timestamp, format: "%F %X")

# Convert from string into integer.
.remote_port, err = to_int(.remote_port)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.remote_port), level: "warn")

# Convert from string into integer.
.status, err = to_int(.status)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.status), level: "warn")

# Convert from string into integer.
.bytes_sent, err = to_int(.bytes_sent)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.bytes_sent), level: "warn")

# Convert from string into integer.
.request_length, err = to_int(.request_length)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.request_length), level: "warn")

# Convert from string into float.
.request_time, err = to_float(.request_time)
if err != null {
log("Unable to parse access log: " + string!(.request_time), level: "warn")

type = "clickhouse"
inputs = ["nginx_access_log_parser"]
database = "nginx" #Your database
table = "access_logs" #Your table
#Databend ClickHouse REST API: http://{http_handler_host}:{http_handler_port}/clickhouse
endpoint = "http://localhost:8124/"
compression = "gzip"

strategy = "basic"
user = "user1" #Databend username
password = "abc123" #Databend password

name = "extract fields from access log"

insert_at = "nginx_access_log_parser"
type = "raw"
value = '::1 "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800" localhost "GET /?xx HTTP/1.1" 304 189 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" 50758 - http - 1202 0.000 - "-"'

extract_from = "nginx_access_log_parser"

type = "vrl"
source = """
assert_eq!(.remote_addr, "::1")
assert_eq!(.time_local, "09/Apr/2022:11:13:39 +0800")
assert_eq!(.timestamp, "2022-04-09 03:13:39")
assert_eq!(.request_method, "GET")
assert_eq!(.request_uri, "/?xx")
assert_eq!(.server_protocol, "HTTP/1.1")
assert_eq!(.status, 304)
assert_eq!(.bytes_sent, 189)
assert_eq!(.http_referer, "-")
assert_eq!(.http_user_agent, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36")
assert_eq!(.remote_port, 50758)
assert_eq!(.upstream_addr, "-")
assert_eq!(.scheme, "http")
assert_eq!(.gzip_ratio, "-")
assert_eq!(.request_length, 1202)
assert_eq!(.request_time, 0.000)
assert_eq!(.ssl_protocol, "-")
assert_eq!(.upstream_response_time, "-")

name = "no event from wrong access log"
no_outputs_from = ["nginx_access_log_parser"]

insert_at = "nginx_access_log_parser"
type = "raw"
value = 'I am not access log'

3.3 验证配置

检查 nginx_access_log_parser 是否工作:

vector test ./vector.toml


Running tests
test extract fields from access log ... passed
2022-04-09T04:03:09.704557Z WARN transform{component_kind="transform" component_id=nginx_access_log_parser component_type=remap component_name=nginx_access_log_parser}: vrl_stdlib::log: "Unable to parse access log: I am not access log" internal_log_rate_secs=1 vrl_position=479
test no event from wrong access log ... passed

3.4 运行 Vector

vector -c ./vector.toml

第4步: 使用 Databend 分析 Nginx 日志

4.1 生成日志

http://localhost/xx/yy?mm=nn 多次重新加载主页,或使用 wrk 快速生成大量Nginx日志的HTTP benchmarking工具:

wrk -t12 -c400 -d30s http://localhost

4.2 分析 Nginx 访问日志

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -P3307 
  • 前10位请求状态
SELECT count() AS count, status FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY status LIMIT 10;
| count | status |
| 106218701 | 404 |
  • 前10位请求方法
SELECT count() AS count, request_method FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY request_method LIMIT 10;
| count | request_method |
| 106218701 | GET |
  • 前 10 个请求IP
SELECT count(*) AS count, remote_addr AS client FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY client ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | client |
| 98231357 | |
| 2 | ::1 |
  • 前10个请求页面
SELECT count(*) AS count, request_uri AS uri FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;

| count | uri |
| 60645174 | /db/abc |
| 41727953 | /a/b/c/d/e/f/d |
| 199852 | /index.html |
| 2 | /xx/yy |
  • 前10的HTTP 404 页面
SELECT count_if(status=404) AS count, request_uri AS uri FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY uri ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | uri |
| 64290894 | /db/abc |
| 41727953 | /a/b/c/d/e/f/d |
| 199852 | /index.html |
| 2 | /xx/yy |
  • 前 10 个请求
SELECT count(*) AS count, request_uri AS request FROM nginx.access_logs GROUP BY request ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10;
| count | request |
| 199852 | /index.html HTTP/1.0 |
| 1000 | /db/abc?good=iphone&uuid=9329836906 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17967444396 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=16399821384 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17033481055 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=17769945743 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=15414263117 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=18945218607 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=19889051988 HTTP/1.1 |
| 900 | /miaosha/i/miaosha?goodsRandomName=0e67e331-c521-406a-b705-64e557c4c06c&mobile=15249667263 HTTP/1.1 |